OTHER LAW SERVICESAdvertising & Product LiabilityProduct liability law governs the liability of manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and vendors for injury to a person or property caused by dangerous or defective products.Fashion LawGlobal fashion industry is worth hundreds of Billions of Dollars. The intellectual property represents the prominent concerns of the fashion designer, and industry this large cannot be a single field of law. Essential EvaluationIntellectual property can be a powerful tool for growth and progress, if properly managed. To fulfill its potential, intellectual property protection has to be supported by appropriate policies.Sports lawSports law has an unusually well developed pattern of globalized regulation and overlaps substantially with labor law, contract law, criminal law, public law, administrative law, antitrust law, competition law, intellectual property rights law, law of tort, media law, company law, human rights law etc.Competition LawCompetition Law deals with creating and maintaining competitive markets. Competition makes enterprises more efficient and offers wider choice to consumer at lower prices.Contractual & Commercial IPA commercial contract refers to a legally binding agreement between parties in which they are obligated to do or restrain from doing particular things. Commercial contract can include all aspects of a businessLicensingA license is an agreement through which a licensee leases the rights to a legally protected piece of intellectual property from a licensor – the entity which owns or represents the property – for use in conjunction with a product or service.Media & EntertainmentMedia law refers to the legal regulation of culture, entertainment, advertising, broadcasting, telecommunications and generally anything relating to digital and analogue media.Packing & LabelingThe link between food packaging and consumer protection is of high significance. To safeguard the interests of the consumer and the society at large, Packaging Laws and Regulations have been introducedAlternative Dispute ResolutionAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is the procedure for settling disputes without litigation, such as arbitration, mediation, or negotiation. They are increasingly being utilized in disputes.Art LawHow important is authenticity in respect of an artwork? One of the most perilous issues plaguing the Indian art world is rampant circulation of forged and counterfeit piecesBiodiversityBiodiversity plays a vital role in sustaining conservation of nature and development of bio-technology industry. Biodiversity is basic to progress in improving the productivity of plants, animals, fishes and all living organisms.Geographical IndicationGeographical indications are valuable rights, which if not adequately protected, can be misused by dishonest commercial operators to the detriment of both the consumers and the legitimate users.IT & E-Commerce LawsElectronic commerce, commonly known as e-Commerce, refers to the Internet based industry of buying and selling products or services via electronic means. E-Commerce uses a combination of Internet technology, mobile commerce, electronic funds transfers.Enforcement LawsThere are various International as well as national laws and instruments which provide legal remedies for violation of IPRs, like TRIPS Agreement, Copyrights, Trademarks, Geographical Indication, Industrial Design, Patents etc.White collar crimesWhite collar crime is a crime generally committed by the people who belong to the higher class of society and are from the reputable group of society.Plant VarietyDevelopment of new plant varieties and better quality of seeds has accelerated the agricultural development. It has, therefore, been internationally recognized that rights of plant breeders should not only be recognized.Franchising Franchising is based on a marketing concept which can be adopted by an organization as a strategy for business expansion. Franchising is prevalent across many industriesBrand StrategyDeveloping a brand and its impact on the market is important for any thriving business. Intellectual property plays an integral part in business development through strategies.Start Up LawEvery startup has IP Rights, which it needs to understand and protect for excelling in its business. Every startup uses trade name, brand, logo, advertisements, inventions, designs, products, or a website, in which it possesses valuable IP Rights.Trade SecretsTrade secret is confidential information of a business enterprise. It offers potential economic advantage over others. Trade secrets are like goodwill. The only requirement to qualify as a trade secret is that it must be kept a secret.CustomCustom Authorities has gained importance for their role in enforcing intellectual property by protecting borders from the entry of goods that infringe intellectual property. Contact Us for Legal Consultation